Watch full Movie Nightcrawler Download 2014 A generation ago, "Nightcrawler" might have been a satire written by Paddy Chayefsky. But when satire meets reality, there's no need to exaggerate, and so we get this story of a creepy guy who spends his nights filming scenes of human calamity and selling them to TV news. The title suggests a horror movie. It's not. It's just the story of a horrible person, but a fascinating one, with no moral center and no capacity for empathy, but with a crazy kind of tenaciousness and an instinct for self-preservation. As written by Dan Gilroy, who also directed, this character has mastered the peppy, can-do jargon of the modern corporate world and really might be ideally suited for success in our times. The first thing you notice is Jake Gyllenhaal's face. The movie-star alchemy - that special combination of exactly the right weight and exactly the right haircut to produce exactly the right effect
- has been thrown out of balance. He looks like a bug-eyed nobody. His face is angular. His hair is slicked back and too long. If he went up Brokeback Mountain looking like this, Heath Ledger never would have liked him. It turns out, Gyllenhaal lost 30 pounds for the role and, in the process, turned himself into a character actor. He starts the movie as another young person dealing with a tough job market, but he's surviving by stealing fences, wire and manhole covers and selling them. So right away, Gilroy establishes the character. Lou (Gyllenhaal) has no shame and no limits, but he does have the ability to think of things others don't. Driving on the freeway one night, he stumbles onto an accident scene and watches as a freelance camera crew records the drama - cops pulling a woman from a burning car.
This is something he never thought of, and probably something most of the audience never realized: You know that eyewitness footage you see on TV? Not all of it can be done by the station, nor by amateurs passing by. No, there are actual people out there looking for this stuff, listening to their police radios and rushing to every scene that just might have enough blood to make the news. So "Nightcrawler" is the twisted story of a career, of a fellow starting at nothing and, through hard work, trying to make something of himself. What's bizarre, and yet always the way with movies, is that we're sufficiently drawn into Lou's reality that we root for him. We want him to make good. When he blunders into a crime scene ahead of the police, we hope he'll make it out before they arrive and that no one will confiscate his camera. Gilroy enlists us into the thrill of capturing the rare and the forbidden. Gilroy also shows us the allure of a TV news station, the adrenalin, the jacked-up personalities, the excitement of knowing that something is going out live at that precise moment. This is Gilroy's first film as a director - he has been a screenwriter for years - but already there's something poetic about his framing. At one point, Gyllenhaal, in close-up, is looking at something; he hears a plane passing overhead and, just for a second, glances up. It's a peculiar, beautiful moment. We're aware of Lou as a sensory character, living and reacting. But his reaction is like a lizard or an owl, responding without feeling. Rene Russo (Gilroy's wife) gets her best role in years, one that capitalizes on her polished surface and completely down-to-earth essence. As the night news director at a struggling station, she recognizes Lou's talent early and charges him to think of her newscast like a woman running down the street with her throat cut. That's the kind of frantic she's looking for. There are moments that are macabre and outlandish, but Gilroy steers the movie just this side of farce, just this side of Chayefsky, and keeps it all within a realistic framework. At times, you might wonder how he'll keep the story going, how he'll top himself. But he does.
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