Watch full Movie Interstellar Download 2014 Director Christopher Nolan will forever feel the love of Batman fans the world over for his extraordinary work on “THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY.” As incredible and groundbreaking as those films were and still are, Nolan’s first film after his famous trilogy, INTERSTELLAR, is an important reminder of his career’s perpetual trajectory. His best work is always in front of him. INTERSTELLAR is, as far as the trailers have told you, a story about mankind’s need to recapture its pioneering spirit to find life on a new planet once Earth has had enough of humanity. Cooper (Matthew McConaughey)
is tasked with piloting a crew of astronauts deeper into space than anyone ever dared to imagine. Trips like these tend to be one-way, making the choice of a father to leave his family in hopes of saving them feel as impossible as it is painful. Again, you know all that from the trailers you’ve seen, but there’s really nothing more than can be said without taking away from the unique, mind-blowing experience that is INTERSTELLAR. Really, INTERSTELLAR is a movie that shows how misused and overused the term “mind-blowing” is. On its vast surface, INTERSTELLAR is a film about space exploration, but it is so much more. One of the more consistent knocks on Christopher Nolan has been that his films can, at times, feel a little cold and clinical. INTERSTELLAR is a profound answer to those criticisms. It is, by far, the most heartfelt entry in the director’s library. The sincerity of its sentiment transcends all the space and time its story takes the audience through. McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Chastain all contribute to the raw, emotional nature of the film, lacing the cataclysmic stakes with those that are far more personal.
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